Bouce Back

Your boss called for you one morning and told you :  "You're fired!"

You asked what wrong had you done? Why you? No particular reason...need to cut costs, you are not productive...cannot work with you anymore...

Whatever is the reason is not important now.  The fact is your service is no longer required. You felt betrayed after working hard for the company. You felt injustice.. Your self worth is shaken..

The next thing that came to your mind is when will you get another job. How do you tell your family if you are the main source of income? You worry about the loan payments, the children education, the high cost of living.  It goes on and on..

You start to panic..

STOP!!  It is self destructing to worry about the uncertainty.  You need to look forward and practise positive thinking.

Useful Tips
1. List down the immediate changes that you will encounter eg more available time, lost of income etc.  Do not worry about how others will judge you.  Do not allow others to put you down or affect your morale.

2. List down the possible solutions to problems that you have on hand. Have a plan to achieve measurable targets. Do not worry about things that had not happened yet as it might not happen.  Do not worry about the obstacles, you will cross the bridge when it comes.

3. Think Out of Box, have a Clear Mind.  There are often many ways to solve a problem and the results depend on your choice of action plans. Eg, when you are in need of money, you can think of i) all the possible ways to make money, ii) trim down expenses or iii) a combination of i) and ii). 

Step out of your comfort zone to do something that you had not done before eg taking on a different job scope. You need to have a clear mind to plan your next steps. Do not act on impulse and avoid being easy victim of scram or illegal activities.

4. Take Action.  Believe you can do it and follow through your plans.  You are more likely to succeed when you could visualise what you want and work towards it.

5. Have Peace of Mind with yourself and people around you.  Stay focus on what you want to attract and let things take its natural course. 

Things happen for a reason which you may not realise now until at a later time in life.  
All the Best!
My Career Best
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